What is PrinceMarshallJr.us About?
This site isn't trying to sell you anything, not trying to capitalize on the misfortune of others, not trying to make a political statement, not sensationalizing the lives or crimes of celebrities, and above all, not trying to inject more negativity, confusion or madness into a world already spinning out of control.
What this site aims to do is bring some hope, positivity and light into the lives of those it touches in some way. It isn't going to be flashy, wow you with bells and whistles, or stun you with special effects. Its value and power will be within the words and ideas contained in it.
So you are encouraged to explore and find something that resonates somehow for you. If you don't see anything now, come back and visit another time as it will constantly be growing and touching on more points of enhancing the experience of life. This is a work of love and will blossom over time and bear many fruits. Be patient until you find the one that best suits your palate.