Spreading experience, motivation and positivity
one seed at a time for all to use, share and grow.

angelina jolie reflection in the mirror t2For all my friends that overthink themselves into corners and/or defeat in their idle time:

Keeping it real and being honest with yourself is really easy when you follow this simple life hack: When you wake up in the morning, the person you see in the mirror is you. The one you have to nurture, improve, depend on, and grow old with. There should be a fire inside you pushing you to do your best at it.

Before you go to sleep, the person you see in the mirror should be tired, fulfilled, better off, older and wiser than the person you woke up as that morning.

Rest, rinse, repeat. Some days will be harder than others, but in the end when the time comes for that final sleep, you'll know you gave it your all, did your best, did it on your own and helped others and yourself along the way.

Take nothing for granted and avoid free rides. The reality check is always in the mirror every morning and every night. If you don't like what you see, do something about it. You're the only one that can.

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