I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind. Last night I was on Facebook and saw something disturbing. Actually I saw a few disturbing things. First off it was an image. Then I read the comments. They were also disturbing. Within the comments were links to other related things which were also disturbing. As a result, I decided to say something, which many of you will find disturbing. For that I will not apologize, but will point out that what goes around, comes around.
There is a growing trend in this country, wait…in this world, that has perverted the concept of tolerance. There is a growing movement to empower the self-will of the individual above that of the good of the community and race, and the trampling of the rights of one to satisfy the needs of another. It has gotten to the point that everyone is right, and wrong, at the same time.
The reason for that is that self-will, selfishness. ego and pride has blinded us to common sense, the order of things that society was built upon and the awareness of anything greater than ourselves having a greater importance than ourselves. Even the very principle of equality has been twisted so that recognition of one’s equality comes at the cost of another’s equality, because my equality cannot coexist with your equality and we demand recognition by everyone of each new concept of equality.
We no longer have a collective social conscience, but rather seek out and support those whose conscience is the same as ours, to sway others to think as we do and accept us. The conundrum is that, as human beings, that is who we are and what we do, even to the point of our own demise. The ancients and the forefathers saw this and gave us guidelines to avoid catastrophe and calamity, but we have forsaken their visions of something better for us all and have again returned to the pursuit of what is better for ourselves and everyone else be damned.
Making the world a better place for everyone requires a conscious effort by each of us to do better and be better than our mistakes (and those of others) and recognize that we all have to give up self-centric thinking in order to achieve that. That doesn’t mean you have to give up your individuality, but rather, strive to be a better individual…each on our own and then together we make the world a better place simply by being.
That is all.