I am a sailboat on the ocean of life. I was set adrift at birth and, for a time, I was safe in tow...
Where Did Common Sense Go?
There is a growing sentiment of "common sense just isn't common anymore." Sadly, not only is that...
All The Little Things We Take For Granted
There's a show on SpikeTV called "A Thousand Ways To Die." In their intro they say....
Divorce, War, Insanity
I just wanted to make a statement regarding the conclusion of this article, on its...
A Disturbing World
I woke up this morning with a lot on my mind. Last night I was on Facebook and saw something...
Morning Prayer For Those On The Go
I don't know about you, but when I wake up in the morning, the second my foot hits the floor I...
Glaucoma and You
This is the story of how I found out that I have glaucoma.
My father has had glaucoma for years...
The Anatomy of a Drug-Related Death
The New Year is supposed to be a time of happiness and hope. For one family however it is a time...
Why Should I Save My Receipts?
Saving Receipts Can Save You From Unnecessary Headaches!
In this day and age of electronic...
The Person In The Mirror: Life Hack
For all my friends that overthink themselves into corners and/or defeat in their idle...